Thursday, January 10, 2013

Folkways, Mores, and Social Norms

This post is a dare. Yes, an actual dare, like "truth or dare." If you think you can handle it, click read more and take the sociologyst challenge:

First let's discuss folkways and mores (pronounced mor-rays).

Folkways: Informal rules that guide society through mundane aspects of daily life. They give us discipline and support for routine habit.

 Punishment minimal: judgement, scorn, ridicule.

example: saying "bless you" when someone sneezes, talking quietly at a restaurant, not talking to the person in the bathroom stall next to you, holding the door for the person walking in behind you, covering your mouth when you burp/cough, being polite to strangers (saying "hello", small talk).

Mores: Formal rules and norms that people define as essential to the well-being of a group.

 People who violate mores are severely punished.

example: marrying first cousin, killing someone, breaking traffic rules, cheating in school

To learn more about Folkways and Mores, check out this page on social norms and rules.

Your dare:

Break a folkway! Go out and do something that is not in your normal realm of everyday life (note: PLEASE be careful, safe, and don't harm anyone...obviously!) 

Examples of breaking a folkway: Standing backwards in an elevator, singing in an elevator, eating at a restaurant with your hands (no utensils), standing extra close to someone.

Be creative, have fun, and most importantly, be safe! 

When you finish breaking your folkway, post your experience in the comments. 

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